Giacometti's Entrance Hall

If you're strolling along the Limmat, stop by the Zurich Police Station to admire the artwork in the office entrance. It is a large room covered with artwork by the one and only, Augusto Giacometti. Created in the early 20th Century, these murals are accessible to the public, and the visit can be as quick as just a few minutes. It won't be a waste of your time! 

A Little History

Around 1900, the Swiss architect, Gustav Gull, was Zurich's master architect. His task was to transform an old Orpahage on Bahnhofquai into a municipal building which would be the home of the city's police. The cellar of the building was to be the entrance of the police headquaters. However, the lighting in the room was far from being ideal, therefore Gustav Gull decided to rely on artistic methods to change the look of the room dramatically. Augusto Giacometti was hired to paint both the ceilings and walls from 1923-1925, and the result is stunning.


What to expect?

- A large room, where every surface but the floor and windows are covered in Augusto Giacometti's artwork.
- Very few tourists, as it is a relatively unknown place.
- The artwork is very well illuminated, which will help you see every little detail.
- Very well preserved artwork, almost 100 years old.
- Expect to leave a Passport or Ausweiss with the policeman at the entrance, while you visit.
- Information booklets available for 5CHF from the policeman at the entrance (German)

What to know?

 - FREE Entrance -
Opening Times



9:00am - 11:00am 

2:00pm - 4:00pm

How do I get there?



Bahnhofquai 3

8001 Zurich



  • Nearest parking is at Zurich HB and Central; both about a 5 min walk from the Giacometti-Halle. Jelmoli and City Parking are other nearby options.

Public Transport:

  • Tram 4 (Rudolf-Brun-Brücke)
  • Tram 15 (Rudolf-Brun-Brücke)
From the Rudolf-Brun-Brücke tram station, it is a 3 minute walk. Simply walk along the Limmat river, turn left on first bridge, then turn right after crossing the river. It is the big building across the road. This building is the Zurich Police Station (Stadtpolizei).