Medieval Sewers

This is the last stop on your trip to the three hidden sights that are only accessible with a special key. To learn how to get a hold of this key, click here. NOTE: This activity is not recommended for people with claustrophobia, and people who feel they cannot fit sideways through a 50/60cm wide tunnel. Only the exit is this narrow.

A Little History

Before there was any sort of running water or flushing toilets, people obviously still needed to go to the bathroom. In Zürich, before the sewers were constructed, people did this "business" in the street. However, even at that time, they found it quite humiliating. Therefore a solution needed to be found. This is when the sewers came in, and provided a solution to all of this. Now, visit this small tunnel explaining how the organization and management of human waste in Zürich has changed over time.

What to expect?

- A narrow underground tunnel which was previously a medieval sewer in Zürich.
- No need to worry, it is clean.
- English and German explanations
- Pictures and diagrams of sewage systems in the city to illustrate the explanations.
- Expect to have the whole tunnel to yourself. Very low probability of meeting other people.

What to know?

- As you walk down Schifflände, you will see the Hotel Helmhaus.
- If you are coming from Lindenhof, the door is right before the hotel and it is a wooden door. Here is what it looks like:
- Open the door with the key in the bottom lock.
- Make sure you lock the door before going down to the sewer as you will exit on the other side through another door.
- Once you are in, take the stairs down to the sewers:

How do I get there?


Schifflände 30/32 (In between these two)

8001 Zürich

Tip: Put the address into Google Maps or another GPS device on your phone. This will make it easier to find the sights.