Welcome to Insider Zurich! This website is a selection of sights in Zurich and the surrounding area that you may not find in an average tourist's guide. 

Each site has a thorough description and accompanying photos. You will also find directions and a map. All the information you need is accessible through the Menu bar above. 

Enjoy exploring Zürich like a local!


For younger children, the best sites to bring them along to are the Zurich Tram Museum or Jucker Farm. These locations allow the children to play and learn at the same time. Additionally, these sites are also great for all ages. Jucker Farm, for example, is an outdoor site with interactive activities and places to take a stroll. There is also a great restaurant, which has a variety of local foods available.
Another great site that is also fun for children is Kulturama. Parents will enjoy it as much as children as there are some stunning exhibits that you might never have seen before in your life.
Walking is always the best way to discover a city. There are two great options to discover the city on foot. First, the Hidden Sights is a small loop in the old town, where with the help of a special key you will discover places hidden from the public.
The second option is Fox Trails. This is a privately run organization has created scavenger hunts in cities across Switzerland. In Zürich, there are six to choose from! Each trail focuses on a different area of the city, taking you to places you would never normally go on your own.